Our Services

  • Chiropractic or NET

    Chiropractic: New Patient - $100, Established Patient - Adjustment only $50

    NET: New or Established Patient - $100

    New patient appointment is 30 minutes. Adjustment Only is 15 minutes. In your initial appointment, Parkinson will review your history, do a neuro exam, adjust you and create a customized plan to help you accomplish your goals.

  • Muscle Response Testing

    Muscle Testing: New Patient - $140, Re-eval $125

    In this session, Dr. Parkinson will muscle test to find possible underlying parasite, pathogen and/or toxic presences in your body, and then help you create a plan to address any findings.

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

― Thomas A. Edison